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I'm relaunching my site at The post you're reading now is part of my old site, now archived at (The DNS switchover may take a couple days.)

Please set your RSS feeds to this one for my new site.

I revised and updated all my articles, added some new ones, and updated the graphic design of the entire site.



Chess 2 Launch!

Chess 2 is now available on Steam.

It's a new take on Chess with modern design sensibilities:

  • 6 different armies
  • Far fewer draws because of the new midline invasion rule
  • Less about memorization, more about improvisation
  • Dueling system adds a bit of mindgames and even more focus on knowing how valuable each piece really is



There's only two days left in the Yomi kickstarter, so please pledge now if you're interested. (It ends Wednesday at midnight, US Pacific Time.) Pledging now lets you get the decks months ahead of the retail release, as well as *free* 2-deck set of the minimalist Panda vs. G.Panda decks once we hit the $150k.

In the updates section of the kickstarter, there's now character lore for all 20 characters, as well as images of all their new "EX cards" and text about how to use them. The EX cards allow you to play overpowered versions of Yomi characters. These aren't intended to be balanced, but they are very fun and flavorful.

Here are links to all the lore / ex card updates: 

  • Grave, Jaina, Midori & Setsuki
  • Rook & DeGrey
  • 黑猫tomAPP破解版
  • Lum & Argagarg
  • Quince, Onimaru, BBB & Troq
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  • Gloria & Gwen
  • Vendetta & Zane

That's a lot of info to soak up, so enjoy!
(Yomi kickstarter link) 



Chess 2: The Sequel is coming to Steam & iPad!


The Yomi kickstarter is doing extremely well! On behalf of the testers, artists, and Thelo the lead programmer of the online version, we all thank you for your support.

We reached $100K funding already, and I'm really hoping we can go further since it's actually more expensive than that to fund a whole print run, shipping, and all the art costs. Anyway, if we can get even more backers then I'll be able to give out a free set of unusual, minimalist Yomi decks called Panda vs. G.Panda. And beyond that everyone can get foil Aces maybe. More on all that later.

For now, I just wanted to highlight that I've started posting about character lore and the new EX cards for every character. So far there are 6 characters revealed:

Grave, Jaina, Midori & Setsuki
Rook & DeGrey 

There's more to come!

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